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What's new on the board?

I also upload a full BLOG occasionally.

Winnall Moors Peacock

27 August 2024

Peacock Butterfly_edited.jpg

Over the August Bank Holiday weekend, I was drawing this beauty live and in person at the Hayward Studio in Warsash, as part of the Hampshire Open Studio event. This was so much fun to draw in public. I wasn't worried at all, and it was great to be able to really showcase how colour pencils can create such beautiful realism. Lots of people asked me lots of questions - the most intimidating of which was a very well informed 9year old who wanted to know about the colour of bounced light into shadows. I did my best to answer her!

Drawn on a more textured watercolour paper than I usually go for, and  Derwent Chromaflow pencils, my go-to-pencils when I'm out and about, the butterfly emerged slowly over the three days. I finished it at home, and now it's winging its way to its new owner (winging it...Ha!)

Too early?

1 August 2024

Berry Merry framed

I admit, it is a bit on the early side for anything festive. Lets get spooky season out the way first shall we!

Unfortunately, my motivation got the better of me and I just HAD to draw this berry merry artwork in all its frosty glory. 

I hadn't planned to cram in a drawing before the Hampshire Open Studios began, it just happened, and I got this finished and framed and printed into Christmas Cards and prints too!   I think the frame looks so good. I did a good job with that.

The original drawing, prints and cards are for sale in my shop now. 

Using all 150 colours

9 June 2024


When 150 Chromaflow plop onto your doormat what do you do?  I make a deal to use all 150 colours in one illustration!

This was actually so much fun to do. I spent ages wondering what multi-coloured things I could draw, like sweets and food and...sweets hahaha, but I kept coming back to an image of hundreds of multi-coloured little goldfish.  It was probably AI, but as a stepping off point it gave me inspiration.  I used loads of different references for different fish shapes, and then went absolutely ham with the colouring. 

I have added this fantastic watery background that really accentuates all the colours. Now its a complete illustration I have uploaded it to my website and am offering it for beautiful sale.

A boy and his bear

27 May 2024


It was my honour to create this portrait in honour of Atticus' birthday this month.

Atticus passed away some years ago, but he is still loved and thought of every day. He loved his bear, Bouf so much. They were inseparable. The detail of the bandage on Bouf's arm is a beautiful representation of their bond. 

I chose to create this portrait on rising museum board, a first for me for a commission. I know this surface performs really well for skin textures, and is robust enough to withstand the journey to the US. 

I hope you like him too. 


If you've been thinking about getting a special portrait for yourself, or someone else, then get in touch with me and I can talk you through all the options. 

Wee Wee Wee!

17 May 2024

Archibald the piggie

I had the absolute pleasure of drawing the happiest little piggie on the planet this month. 

Archie, as those who joined me on a livestream named him, is just a little one on 8x10inch paper, but he certainly punches above his weight. Me and everyone watching him emerge on the page fell in love with his cheeky smile. The reference I was following wasn't so cute, but that little turn-up at the side of his mouth really compliments his jaunty little jog.

I could've left it like this, but if you pop over to the gallery, you can see the grassy meadow background filled with dandelions!

And if you like what you see there, you can purchase your very own Archie as either a print, or a greeting card.

Cyprus Streetdog

20 April 2024


One of the first commissioned art works this year can now be shared, meet Benny, the rescued streetdog from Cyprus. 

Benny has been in his forever home since February last year, and while he is only 2 years old (probably) those soulful eyes of his suggest to me that he's seen plenty to be getting on with. He's still a little aloof, but is just starting to open up and enjoys the occasional cuddle on the sofa. I think he's so lovable, and he was a pleasure to draw. 

He was professionally framed, and I wanted you to see that we went for a grey board with a black core. This worked out beatifully and really complimented his grey mottled colouring. 

Why not have a look at him in full in my gallery. 

Making my own Sunshine

03 April 2024


Okay, so confession time.  I really wasn't sure I liked this one at the start, halfway through or towards the end. It wasn't until the central section went in, and there was some variation to the tones and some much needed interest, did I decide it was okay.

I did post it on my socials, and...well...I think everyone there loved it!

More delightful colour from the Derwent Pastels. I can definitely say that I am thoroughly enjoying my exploration into this medium. I have so many ideas for more florals (you know I love my flowers!) and to top it off, I went and purchased some proper pastels second-hand, to get me started on some of those ideas.  Not sure if it'll work, or if I'll like them, but if this piece is anything to go by, I shouldn't make my mind up until I'm finished!

This one is up for sale in my shop if you would be interested. 

Drawing Water

27 March 2024


I have always wanted to try drawing this kind of water. It was much like piecing together a jigsaw of shapes and colours.  I started with the darkest shapes, mapping in where they needed to go, whilst paying attention to the basic flow of the undulation. I then added those little pops of orange and red around the dark shapes. After that it was all about blending and creating those soft transitions and keeping the shapes in check.  I'm really interested in drawing, or maybe painting another, but bigger and on better paper.

Its a bird and a flower!

16 March 2024

Parrot Tulip and me.jpg

As a Derwent Ambassador Artist, sometimes I am gifted products to try, which I appreciate very much. After falling slightly in love with pastel pencils back in December in Cebu (I took my Carbothello pencils with me) the team at Derwent sent me theirs to compare. 

Okay, I'm probably more than a little bit biased, but these blew me away. Carbothellos were a bit scratchy, but these were really not. There was limited dust (cos I know that's an issue for some...and it tickles my throat a bit too) and I found them to smell nice as well. Bonus!

I couldn't decide what I wanted to draw, and my Facebook friends suggested birds or flowers.  So here, I give you the Parrot Tulip.  It's an actual thing!  The colours I've used were not from the reference. Something I've not done much of is use my own colours, and I'm so glad that I did. The reference (Unsplash)  was just a single maroon colour. This is way more fun!

I can't keep  it. So it's available in the shop. I've also made cards which are probably my new faves!

Visit the shop when you get a minute, there's loads of things in there now.

Or click this little button for luck.

Bunny Love

14 February 2024

3 Bunnies.jpg

February is the month of love, and relationships and all things heart-shaped. It's also the lead-in to Easter, which is bunny-shaped or egg-centric in all things.  So here we go, a bunny love triangle for Easter.

Beginning with Grey Strut, he's the bun next door, the trusty friend to Shy Girl, his love since he was a hairless bean. Shy Girl is warm but fussy, forever worried about how she looks, which is how she caught the attention of the Black Bun from across the tracks. Dark and dangerous, he has seen Shy Girl, and will make a move soon.   Will she want the newcomer, or will she h-opt for the reliable bun next door.  Will Grey strut have to fight for his love? 

Who knows.

Obviously I had far too much fun with this.  The originals all sold and ended up in Scotland together, so maybe they're happy as a threesome. 

I have turned them into beautiful prints and greeting cards for your delight. Visit the shop or click the button below to be taken straight there.

Art Growth Update

1 February 2024


I did it!  The whole month of prompts with Acrylic Gouache!

It was so much fun to work through each word, from the internal thought process, to the scribbles in my sketchbook, to the painting. Some were quickies, some much much longer. All were enjoyable. 

The great thing about doing a prompt list in one medium, is the growth! I am so much more confident with this medium now. I feel I know its capabilities, as well as my own...though I stull push those. 

I've gone on to start the February list too.

Art Growth Prompts

06 January 2024


I have been having such a fun experience getting to know my Holbein Acrylic Gouache paints these past few days.

I'm following along with a very laid-back set of prompts by @Ammyg_art, and this one is a particular favourite of the one's I've painted so far.

The Holbein Gouache is really vibrant, and super easy to use. I really enjoy the layering, and now that I have a stay-wet pallette, the paint doesn't dry on me in this hot weather [in the Philippines]. 

Have you tried gouache? The traditional paint reactivates the lower layers, making blending easy but also tricky...whereas this is arylic so doesn't have that capability. It is both helpful and sometimes not! 

Getting soft on Pastels

23 December 2023


It's the same week, and I've done another pastel piece. This time the Hummingbird is full of amazing bright colours.

I think this is my favourite so far. 

I used just a few colours, but have layered them to create the iridescence of the feathers.

Plus, of course a black pan pastel for the base.

Again, this one is for sale!

Materials: Pan Pastels, Pastel Pencils. A4.

Art Therapy

18 December 2023

Anna's Hummingbird drawing

This beautiful jewelled Anna's Hummingbird helped me get through a really difficult day. 

My husband passed away, and the day before I drew this was his funeral. I had felt no inclination to draw or sketch anything for a month until this day, and then I just knew I had to create something.

Hummingbirds seem to represent many things, though I didn't choose it because of any symbolism. I simply thought George would like the picture, and so I drew it for him. 

It felt good. 

This is the second of @Lux_opus_photography references. I love her work and the edits she uses to create these beautiful images.

This is for sale in my shop now.


19 November 2023


I'm medium hopping again (literally hopping!) into Pastels and Pan Pastels. 

I bought the pan pastels at the start of the year, and it took me a long while to feel in the mood to give them a go. I'm not usually one for the mess of pastels, so using the little sponge spatula thingies was actually pretty fun. I mapped out my darks and lights with the set of grey toned pan pastels, then added details with some pastel pencils. 

The reference photo is from a photographer I found during my first couple of days on Threads. @lux_opus_photography. Louise's edits are really interesting, with this dark, moody, contrasty style. I don't know how it's done, but I love how it looks. I'll be doing a few more I'm sure.

Freddo is for sale if you're interested. Please visit my shop, or click the button.

His name is Steve!

21 October 2023


His name is Steve because I asked 'can you name the bird' and one bright spark said 'Steve' and it stuck!

Steve is a Firecrest. A feisty little bird that resembles the more common Goldcrest, except the orange flash is more red than yellow. He was photographed in Winchester by an exceptional local photographer, Sheila Ann Williams.  Sheila graciously allowed me to use her image as my reference. 

I haven't drawn many birds before. The feathers always worried me, and I haven't really drawn such a complex and green background like this.  I am thrilled with the result, and I love the way the high-focus foreground works with the background fuzziness. And those little pops of red in the berries are *chefs kiss!*

I think this is a gorgeous little drawing that deserves to be up on the wall somewhere and admired.


Materials used: Polychromos on Derwent Lightfast paper. 10x10"

"I think you've mastered Orange!"

14 September 2023


It took me a while to get in the right frame of mind to draw something proper, i.e: not in my sketchbook, I don't know why. Let's blame the heat, but at last I have a proper drawing with proper pencils and proper paper!

I was a bit out of practice at first, but I soon felt the old muscle memories doing their thing. To say I love this is a bit of an understatement. I think it might be my favourite floral to date. Definitely going to frame this one.

Someone on Instagram said 'I think you've mastered orange now...everything in your feed is orange!"  Hahah, yes, I can see that, and I will try to do some other colours from now on. 

Materials used were Derwent Lightfast pencils and paper.

Was meant to be a sketch!

12 August 2023


What was meant to be a little thing turned into a 3-day big thing, and I love it!

I learned so much about the three main colours here. Magenta, blue and yellow. Obviously I used way more pencils than just 3, but by the end I had got it down to maybe 5 or 6. I've finished it off with some white pen for some of the poppy highlights. It's in my sketchbook, so not the surface I'd use for a proper finished drawing, but that's okay. I may well do this again, but bigger!

 I've used Derwent Lightfast pencils, Derwent blender pens (on the background) and I'm working in my Hahnemuhle watercolour sketchbook.

A New Perspective

8 August 2023


No first page jitters for me. I was straight in with a hand drawn sketch, and into the paint soon as I could.

I wanted to give my sketchbook a kind of theme this time, and that's what the little message means. "A sense of peace to draw" After the hectic schedule we had in July, I'm all about chillin out

On the subject of chillin...I have now left the UK and am now living in the Philippines.  I painted this while on the veranda in 38 degree heat 3/10 don't recommend

A Star is Drawn

20 May 2023

Portrait of a young girl

The beautiful Seren (meaning Star in Welsh) in her field of daisies is now complete. It's a beautiful expression of light and shade, distance and focus, I learned so much. 

As personal projects go, this one is my absolute favourite. It was scary to just wing-it all the way through, and I REALLY didn't enjoy the grass, but sometimes you just gotta go for it with everything you have.  I'll write a blog of my experience with this piece soon. Essentially it's an excellent example of what riding the edge of failure can do for your skills, and confidence. 

I hope you like it! 

Creative Swatching

10 April 2023


Had so much fun creating my swatches for my new 100 Inktense Pencils. 

Is swatching a thing only artists can appreciate? I don't know, but I do know that all my swatches are going to be like this from now on!

Want to learn how to use Inktense Pencils? Why not join me on  Saturday 15th April for an introduction,

The Secret is out!

30 March 2023

Inktense and me.jpg

I have been holding this one in for many many months, and I am thrilled to finally share this Inktense Illustration with you all. 

Created specifically for Derwent's new 100 Inktense Pencil packaging, I have pushed through my comfort zone and out the other side.  It's still very much a 'pinch me' moment, and one that I don't know that will ever be repeated (I really hope so!) 

I can't wait to see it in shops. Honestly, very proud of the design, very honoured to have been invited to appear on the tin, and very very happy to have had such great feedback on what is, essentially, nothing like my usual style. 

You can view the full artwork in my Gallery

Mum's the word!

19 March 2023

mothers day_edited.png

I went quiet on my socials while I secretly painted these four beautiful illustrations for my mum. 

I'm still very new to acrylic painting, and I have a lot to learn, but this colourful graphic style felt achievable, and it was!  I couldn't be happier with the results and neither could my mum. 

The Canary Islands have been a family destination for our summer hols for the past 30 years or so, and we have a lot of memories attached to Los Christianos on Tenerife in particular. Each of these places hold special memories and that made each painting special too. 

I'm glad you liked them mum!


27 February 2023


I have been slowly chipping away at this portrait for a couple of months now. Not as quickly as I'd hoped (thanks to a shoulder injury) but last week I did finish her dress and make a good start on the grass. 

This piece is my largest yet, and most complex. The grass is really hard work - not difficult particularly - just hard work. I don't even think I could explain how I'm doing it, it's very much a gut thing! 

I am really proud of it so far. The light and the softness of her dress really comes across, and the colours are delicious!

I have written a little 'how I did it' for Color Magazine (March 23) which will also be in next month's blog if you're into that.

Challenging my comfort zone

30 January 2023


You know me, I'm not easily categorised as to the sort of art I make...but this piece (which I'm unfortunately not able to show in full yet) has come from far out of left field...really far out maaaan!!

Surrealism is big at the moment, and when Derwent asked me to make a 'fantastical landscape' I had to hunker down and really think about what that might look like in a painting. It had to appeal to a broad spectrum of styles, and show off the product as best I could muster.  You can see in this little corner of the piece that it is a very different approach. I've tried to focus on the colours, the textures and the techniques you can use, as well as keep the wider brief in mind while still turning out a decent artwork. It has pushed me outside my comfort zone for sure. I've thoroughly enjoyed the process, and despite being unsure of the final piece, I'm pleased to say that it has been approved and used for its intended purpose. Phew!


I just wanted to say that comfort zones are like elastic bands around your creativity. I have one that's pretty stretchy these days, and I continue adding things to the bunch of skills it's holding together.

Zooming into Action!

26 January 2023


I had a super fun evening talking all things coloured pencil with Fareham Art Group this month. I was demonstrating how to work a variety of mediums into an underpainting for pencils, and we worked through an Inktense underpainting into half a masterpiece - because you know how much I love those :-)

 I'm always up for a demonstration or a friendly chat about pencils, or art in general. If you are part of an art group and you would like me to demonstrate colour pencils or talk about arty things, please get in touch. You may be eligible for a small grant from the UK Coloured Pencil Society, which will help towards my fee too! 

Capturing the Light

31 December, 2022


It's the end of another super busy year. Despite the downs, the ups have been great and I am excited to begin excited in fact, that I didn't wait till January to begin this challenging piece. 

After completing Pancho (the cat) in November, which was full of challenging textures, I wanted to do it again, but on another level of complex. So, here is the very beautiful Seren (my friend's daughter) who's photograph has captivated me for a couple of years. The back-lit hair, her glowing skin, layers of tulle in her skirt and a large swathe of daisy-studded grass will, no doubt, keep me out of mischief for a few weeks. 

The piece is my biggest so far, at 15x22inches, the picture above doesn't show most of the composition. Trying a new surface too, so doubly challenging.

Join me on Instagram or Facebook for regular updates. Just click the social media buttons at the top / bottom of the page.


10/10 Wood Recommend!

15 December, 2022


I happened to be in Hobbycraft perusing the Christmas craft items, and came across some wooden decoration blanks. At just a few quid for three, I figured I could spend a few minutes with my posca pens and knock out some cuties for the tree.  Not quite sure what came over me, because what should have been a fun Sunday project has turned into a 2-hours or more per item acrylic painting session!! Hahaha

I don't really mind. They're absolutely gorgeous and I'm learning loads.  I'd also like to give a shout-out to the Winsor & Newton Gold gouache, which has great coverage and looks super shiny!

I can't decide which is my favourite. Am considering re-painting that blue one though...he sticks out like a sore thumb!

Fur on Film

14 November, 2022


I'm a few hours in to this exploration of Fur on Film, and I have to say I'm loving it. Drafting film is such a challenge if you've got a heavy hand, but I find it super relaxing and enjoyable.  I've used it a few times now, but only for florals. Pancho here is my first attempt at fur...although, not to give myself too much of an easy time of it, I'm also going to be filling the entire A4 page with background textures; from concrete, to distressed paint on wood and a lichen covered front step, which is what he is lazing on!  I love the low angle of this composition (taken by me at my friend's house in spring this year) and the way the warmth is already starting to come through in the reflected light on his white fur. But best of all is that paw. Ooooh, its got toe beans and looks so soft!

If you like this sort of work, why not take a look at my Gallery where you can find many other pet portraits - though none on film before. Pancho in his final form is also there for you to see now too!


7 November, 2022


I have been beavering away creating a small army of Christmas Gonk characters and products for you this week.   

First up, are the 6 Christmas cards pictured here. They're absolutely adorable, and I love 'em!  Then, there's the gift tags that go with them. 10 of these per pack.  And finally, free downloadable colouring page just for fun. 

For the the next 6 months, 10% of all my online sales will be donated to Cancer Research UK. To find out why and to stay up to date with what I'm doing off the easel, sign up to my newsletter. You'll get special favours, first notification on new things, workshops etc.

Find all the Gonktastic merch in my shop now.

Happy Bunnoween

19 October, 2022

This was so much fun!

Welcome to 'Dead Man's Burrow', the place where bunnies do unbunny-like things and dress up for Halloween.  From the scary IT Clown, to Peppa Pig, you can't see it all in one go.  Featuring 50+  bunnies, spiders, rats, worms and lots of pumpkins, this is probably the most detailed Seasonal Bunny Illustration I have done thus far. 

​I am so proud of it, that I've decided to add a downloadable colouring page to my shop for anyone who wants to colour it themselves.  It's the cost of one coffee, and will last many hours.Suitable for 7+ and perfect for the season.

​(No buns were harmed in the making of this illustration)

Berries and Bird

25 September, 2022

Berries and Bird square_edited.jpg

Having just returned from my hot holiday in Tenerife, I was really taken aback by all the seasonal changes that had occurred during our absence. Yes, it was a good 10 degrees cooler in the UK, but what struck me first was the intense smell of our pine tree, which I'd never noticed before. This was our first time away after moving here in 2019, so its not surprising we both hadn't noticed its fragrance. Familiarity breeds complacency and all that! The tree-lined streets were brazen and burnt with amazing fiery colours, berries were dropping all around. There was still some green, but change was coming.


Thinking it would be a quick one, to fill an evening and scratch that autumnal itch to draw something seasonal, I dug out my pencils and got lost in the moment.  A very long moment that lasted about ten hours!


But sometimes, after a long time away from my pencils, I feel them pull at me. It's all very well trying new mediums, and being happy with those first tentative attempts, but I do like to make good art too! 


So here is the Berries and Bird colour pencil artwork. The original is for sale, along with greeting cards in my shop.

Artwork based on an image from Pixabay.

A rose by any other name

18 August, 2022

Workshop Rose_edited_edited.jpg

The reference image for my September 'Focus on Florals' workshop has been chosen! 


I wanted something that incorporated foreground and background since I'll be covering both at the workshop.  

This will be the first workshop I've organised. I'm really looking forward to it.  I'm going to focus on the fundamentals of realism while we strive to complete some of the key areas from this drawing.


UPDATE : This workshop has now happened. Access to the entire 8-hours of video is now available to purchase.

Patchings Festival

14 July, 2022


In the midst of one of the hottest weeks in UK history (or so it felt like in the tent) I had a wonderful time meeting so many other artists and fellow creatives on the Derwent stand at Patchings Art and Craft Festival in Nottingham. 


As far as first festivals go, I was very lucky to enjoy the four days as part of the retail exhibitors. I loved chatting to everyone who came up to the stand and asked questions, and I loved talking about the products I was using, or helping people get the best out of the products they already owned. 


While I was there, I created a bright and bold and slightly bonkers butterfly illustration using 3 Derwent products together. It came out fantastic, and I'm very proud of it.  I've added greeting cards and small prints to my shop, so go check those out.


Really enjoyable few days. I'll be back next year!

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